This documentation describes how to write application programs within the three-tier client/server architecture of the R/3 System.
R/3 applications are written in the ABAP programming language, and run within the application layer of the R/3 System.
ABAP programs communicate with the database management system of the central relational database (RDBMS), and with the graphical user interface (SAPgui) at presentation level.
The documentation is divided into five sections:
Introduction to ABAP
This contains the basics of application programming in the R/3 System. This information is essential for an understanding of ABAP programming. Following an overview of the R/3 Basis system, it introduces the essential features of application programs and the ABAP programming language. Finally, it gives a short introduction to how you can create an application program in the ABAP Workbench.
The ABAP Programming Language
This section describes the statements in the ABAP programming language. Beginning with simple statements for data declarations, data processing, and program flow control, it progresses to topics such as modularization and special techniques, explaining which ABAP statements can be used for which purposes.
ABAP User Dialogs
The different screens that can belong to ABAP programs are displayed here. This shows how you can program and control interaction between ABAP programs and users in the form of screens.
Running ABAP Programs
This section explains how ABAP programs are executed in the R/3 System. It shows how you can start programs, the conditions under which you must start them, and the different kinds of program execution.
ABAP Database Access
This section explains how to work with the database in the R/3 System. It describes the parts of the programming language that are converted into SQL statements in the database, and shows how you can program database updates.
ABAP Objects
This is an introduction to ABAP Objects, the object-oriented extension of ABAP. Objects, classes and interfaces are introduced as the basic elements of ABAP objects. It shows how classes can be defined independently using interfaces or inheritance. It then goes on to introduce further components of classes, namely methods and events.
ABAP and JavaScript
The section describes how to link JavaScript programs in ABAP using class CL_JAVA_SCRIPT.
The appendix contains summary descriptions and overviews, including a list of all system fields, an ABAP statement reference and a glossary.
Sample Programs
Note that the sample programs in this documentation can be used for testing purposes in every R/3 System starting with Release 4.5. They can be found in Transaction ABAPDOCU . The program structure corresponds to that of this documentation.
Further Reading
SAP Style Guide
Changing the SAP Standard
ABAP Workbench: Tools
ABAP Dictionary
Remote Communications
RFC Programming in ABAP
ABAP as an OLE Automation Controller
Basis Programming Interfaces
ABAP Query
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